Jonathan Slager's Fundraiser

We can transform lives by providing prosthetic devices and rehabilitation to amputees in Liberia, West Africa.
For only $125 an amputee can be fit with a socket made from locally sourced materials through a local Liberian clinic with Liberian medical professionals. There are 19 patients ready to receive sockets over the next two weeks!
Every $125 raised will give a new limb to an amputee in just a FEW WEEKS!!
Please join us in supporting real change. Let's support good in the world and make a difference. Help us transform the lives of amputees in Liberia!
Angel and I are excited to be going to Liberia, West Africa for 10 days on August 8th to help people walk again! What a great way to help those in need and to share God’s love with them. We have the privilege of joining with LIMBS International to make this possible. After a year of intensive work with the Liberian people, God has brought together local partners in Liberia to make a lasting impact on the community. Through numerous visits to churches and hospitals in Liberia by my Dad (missionary to Liberia), and emails, God has graciously partnered us with St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Monrovia, The Monrovia Rehab Center (MRC) at the John F. Kennedy Hospital and Paul Stevens (Director of the Liberian Bible Society). It is only by God’s planning and timing that all of this has come together.
The physical prosthetic is simply a catalyst to transform individual lives and the community. The lives of amputees will truly be transformed through mobility, career opportunities, and restored dignity. However, more than that, your donation will give local shop owners business and give the medical professionals at MRC renewed purpose and hope.
Learning to walk again with what can initially be a very hot and uncomfortable socket in a climate and terrain like Liberia is not easy. It takes a lot of strength, endurance and ENCOURAGEMENT and that is where St. Peter's Church comes into the picture. Amazingly St. Peter’s Church is the church where there was a brutal massacre during the Liberian civil war where gunmen shot at all 600 refugees (mostly women and children) who had packed into the church to find shelter. Described by BBC: “The Monrovia Church massacre in 1990 was the worst single atrocity of the Liberian civil war.” The deaths and amputees from that event were horrific. Today that same church is alive and well and your donation gives them the opportunity to build up and encourage amputees in their community.
We have raised funds to support the trip thus far and get the prosthetic hardware to Liberia in a little over two weeks. Just this week local funding to fit these patients fell through and we truly need you to come alongside this effort to close the gap as we approach August 8th.
The patients are ready. The medical facility is ready. The community is ready. The prosthetics are ready. Your donation will directly give a Liberian amputee a new leg.
Just a small donation will go a long way to helping us reach our goal of 19 amputees. Each time we reach another $125 amount, it will be immediately wire transferred to Paul Stevens in Liberia and one more person will be properly fit with a socket and ready to learn to walk again.